After The Trip

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In reverse order (newest first!), below are some occasional updates and photos of Shane and his "forever family" after we returned from China.

May, 2004 - Pool's Open! As the heat turns up in Arizona for the summer, it's time to get wet again! Shane is 5 1/2 now...
December, 2003 - Shane turned FIVE in September -- what a handsome young boy he is growing up to be.
December, 2003 - Shane (can you find him?) with brothers and lots of cousins on Christmas Eve at Uncle Gary's house.

November, 2002 - A visit to Sea World in San Diego and a creature encounter!

September 16, 2001 - Here's Shane "smiling" with his Uncle and his brothers all celebrating their September birthdays.  Bryan (left) turned 7 on 9/14, Uncle Carl (center) turned "29" on 9/16, Eric (right) turned 10 on 9/15 and then Shane celebrating 3 on 9/8.
September, 2001 - Anything train-related is of interest to the little man.  "More Choo Choo!" is a phrase we hear regularly.

September 8, 2001 - I'm THREE today!  Here's Shane Fu enjoying his train cake and train hat.
August, 2001 - Shane's first family vacation!  Can you guess where we went?

May 13, 2001 - Mother's Day.  Jocelyn surrounded by all four of our wonderful boys!

April 15, 2001 - Shane's first Easter!  We'll title this photo "Young Egg Fu" (get it?)

March 22, 2001 - Shane keeps up with American trends with his very own scooter.  His 3 brothers all had one, but big brother Tyler always had to give his up so Shane could use it.  Notice the one shoe/one sock riding technique!

February 13, 2001 - It's been two  months since Shane has been with us in the good 'ol USA.  Here he is in the kitchen with big brother Tyler.

January 3, 2001 - It's been a whole MONTH since we first met Shane Fu and made him a part of our family!  Wow, how time flies.  Here he is with two of his three new brothers, Eric and Bryan.

December 25, 2000 - Shane is settling in quite nicely with his new family.  We got past the jetlag and he is in a regular sleep routine and is having a grand old time exploring (and occasionally dismantling) his new home.  With all the gifts being sent his way almost non-stop since he got here, and NOW an American Christmas Day...gee whiz, we wonder what he's thinking...


Here's the revised edition of the Horton Family "six-pack" after returning home to Scottsdale
December, 2000