Before The Trip

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In reverse order, here is a "journal" of notes detailing events and information starting with our referral and PRIOR to our China trip.

November 29, 2000 - Finalizing packing and preparation...we leave in the morning!  From this point on, see the Trip to China page for ongoing updates as we're on our trip.

November 25, 2000 - We hope to update this website WHILE we're in China.  The placeholder for those updates has been setup on the "Trip To China" page of this website.

November 22, 2000 - A more detailed itinerary has been received.  We will be staying in four different hotels and will get to see some cool sights.  The Great Wall and the Forbidden City in and near Beijing are both on the agenda.  We will be united with our new son on December 3rd and he will accompany us from that day forward.  Back to packing and preparing!

November 13, 2000 - Whoopee!  Today, we received our travel confirmation and itinerary.  We will be leaving Phoenix and the US on November 30th, returning on December 13th!  Let the panic and final preparations commence!

October 31, 2000 - Happy Halloween!  We don't know if Shane will get to dress up for tricks or treats or not, but for those of you checking in occasionally, we still do not know when we will be traveling.  All signs are pointing to early December.  While we're (you're) waiting, check out the new clocks/weather bars on the "Trip to China" page of this website....

October 9, 2000 - Happy Columbus Day!  In the spirit of worldwide exploration, maps have been added to the "Trip to China" page of this website....

Shane Horton

 October 5, 2000 - We've decided on a name!  Shane means "God is gracious."

Dateline - Scottsdale, Arizona - October 2, 2000

It's been a LONG TIME coming, but Kevin & Jocelyn & Tyler & Eric and Bryan Horton are pleased to announce our adoption 'referral' which we have been working on since May of 1999.

Believe it or not, we are going to be having ANOTHER SON!  For those of you counting -- yes -- that will make FOUR boys for the Horton clan!  Throughout this process, we have informed many people that the statistics from Chinese orphanages are that approximately 95% of the children there are female.  This is due to the high rate of abandonment of girls resulting primarily from China's "one-child" policy.  As a result we pretty much figured the "odds" would be that we would be adopting a girl.  Nevertheless, God's divine plan rises above any statistics or human reasoning, and so we would like to introduce 2-year-old Yang Fu to you:

Click here to see the official presentation announcement from our adoption agency.